How we keep you safe
Before we catch them, malicious members may create profiles for purposes other than dating: we call these people scammers. We’d like to remind you to be vigilant if you have any suspicions about the real intentions of a person on the site.
A scammer is a person who signed up on the site mostly under a false identity - using hijacked IP addresses as well as specifically created email addresses - for illegal purposes such as poaching customers, extortion, phishing, blackmail, scamming, etc.
Customer poaching The scammer’s goal is to lure users to fraudulent competitor sites. Specifically, scammers contact registered members and offer to talk using another platform or a competitor site. Here is an example of message you might receive: ‘Hi, I found a better dating site, you should join me, my username is xxx’;
Scamming The modus operandi may be as follows: the scammer talks with a registered member and creates an emotional bond with them. The scammer then asks the member for money using an excuse (death in the family, purchase of a plane ticket to meet with the member, etc.).
Blackmail/extortion of money. In this case, the spammer’s approach is more aggressive. The goal is to get users to hand over money by threat or coercion. This can be achieved with messages such as: ‘I know you’re married and you’re on a dating site … give me €500.
Fighting against scammers requires us to allocate a considerable budget towards your safety (moderators, anti-fraud services, powerful technical tools, etc.).